About This Video
We’re kicking off a new series today and your host, ITProGuru, Dan Stolts and his guest Todd Cioffi from Navis Learning tackle the big elephant in the room that is cloud computing. Tune in as they discuss ways in which you can stay ahead of the curve with IT Service Management, Private Cloud Certification and training.
GuruTip #1 – Get Certified on Cloud! Learn more about MCSE Certifications for Cloud
See below for some great additional info from Todd… I asked him to follow-up with some more great information that would be of interest to my views and wow, did he have some great stuff to share!!!
If you’re interested in learning more about the products or solutions discussed in this episode, click on any of the below links for free, in-depth information:
Websites & Blogs:
- TechNet Radio: IT Time – An Inside Look at System Center 2012 Configuration Manager
- TechNet Radio: Maturing Your IT Organization – From Technology Management to IT Service Management
- TechNet Radio: Virtual Lab Insider: Building Your Cloud Infrastructure with System Center 2012
More great insights from Todd on :
- Planning for Failure
- Normalizing expectation
- Bits v. Business
Can be found on another blog post Cloud, Virtualization & Planning–by Todd Cioffi–Very Insightful
More Great Stuff from Todd
You can also check out a post I wrote a while back that was inspired by some of the same thoughts that led Dan to have me be a guest here.
Here’s that URL: http://blog.navislearning.com/2012/02/21/the-cloud-is-coming-are-you-ready/
If you want to contact me about Cloud, technical training, or … interesting places you’re thinking of going to or have already been, you can find me at: tcioffi@navislearning.com.
With all of that bookkeeping taken care of, what I will post here for you are three things: some breaking news, an observation, and a chance for FREE STUFF.
First, the news:
When Dan and I spoke, I mentioned that the Cloud Credential Council has completed their Foundation-level Cloud curriculum (available through Navis) with plans for Advanced specialties in the works. I was just given an update today by our partners and courseware developers for the CCC.
In the coming days, thought leaders and subject matter experts from both the provider and consumer sides of the Cloud are gathering from around the globe to prioritize which of five initial topics will be the focus of the first Advanced course and certification from the CCC. They will then hammer out the content for that topic. All of that is scheduled to be done by the end of June. Then courseware development will begin, with a targeted release date before the end of this year.
The process will be repeated for picking the second course from the four remaining Advanced topics, with the decisions and content completed by the end of September and courseware and certification release slated for late 2012 or early 2013.
Keep your eyes peeled and in just a few months, you could be the first IT Pro on your block to have an Advanced certification from the CCC.
Next, a parting thought for the IT Pro’s perspective:
I’ve heard occasional grumbling and cynicism about the Cloud coming from some IT professionals. Whenever change comes, there are always those who resist it – and Cloud is no different. At this point, however, it’s frankly not a matter of whether you like or don’t like the Cloud, or whether you are excited about it or fear what it will mean to you. You need to get past that, if that was your mindset. It’s not up to you. It’s going to happen – it’s already happening – and you need to be ready.
The good news is: you’re in the right place at the right time to take advantage of the lead your existing skill set gives you to meet the large and growing demand for Cloud savvy professionals. The bad news is: if you let your lead slip away – if you can’t show you’re qualified to work in and with the Cloud – your marketability as a professional will diminish.
This is a transition wave. If you’re ready to jump up on your board and head for the swell, the timing is right to ride the wavefront and have a lot of fun surfing as it rises up and propels you forward. But beware, other surfers are already heading out there and the wave is only going to get more crowded. Wait too long and you’ll be sitting on your board, bobbing up and down in the ripples with the thick-client desktop-app developers, watching the wave crest disappear in the distance with your career mobility in tow.
Finally, FREE STUFF!!!
As a bonus for Dan’s readers, Navis Learning will offer up some prizes to give you that excited, end-of-conference, business card in a fish bowl, “Did I win? Did I win…?” feeling.
Here’s what’s on the line:
First, we will be picking five winners who will each receive an access code for a complimentary Cloud Awareness eLearning course. With this interactive Cloud Awareness course, you will be able to check out the introductory CCC overview at your own pace – and because it’s eLearning, wearing pants is totally your* call!
For the Grand Prize, our sixth drawing winner will be given an access code for a complimentary Cloud Essentials eLearning course. This is the course that gave rise to the new CompTIA Cloud Essentials certification. Self-paced and interactive like Cloud Awareness, Cloud Essentials helps you prepare for the certification exam – and even comes with a sample exam so you can get a sense of how you’ll do. This is the real deal. You know you want this. Admit it – you’re already thinking about typing in that code. You’d start right now if you could.
So how do you win…? Where’s the electronic fish bowl for your business card info? What if you’re not one of the first six picks?
Since we like Dan, nobody goes home empty-handed. The rest of the entrants will receive a coupon for a discount off of one Cloud or ITIL education purchase from Navis Learning.
To enter, simply follow these steps:
1. Address an email to: technicaltraining@navislearning.com
2. Put ITProGuru Fan on the subject line
3. So that we know who you are, and see you’re only entering once, fill out the email with your:
We’ll assume you’re sending from the email account you prefer
4. Proofread it and send it along.
In honor of that first Advanced course being kicked off, we’ll take entries through the end of June. Prize winners will be contacted in early July.
*local laws may apply
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